Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essays on animal cruelty

Essays on animal cruelty

essays on animal cruelty

 · Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve  · Animal cruelty is any form of strong physical contact or verbal abuse which hurts the animals also in the environment in which an animal lives. Animal cruelty is also known as animal abuse. Animals should be treated like humans, they also have emotions. Animals feel the pain and fear like humans do, but they are helpless victims  · Essay, Pages 9 ( words) Views. 1. Animal cruelty is an act of violence or neglect that causes suffering or death to an animal in many ways. Animal cruelty should be stopped. It is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature. Animal cruelty comes in many forms from not feeding them, giving them shelter, breeding, experimenting, force fights,

Animal Cruelty Essays

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Animal Cruelty - Persuasive Essay Animal Cruelty - Persuasive Essay Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve.

Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals ' rights.

Most of the time, essays on animal cruelty, it is nowhere near the animals fault, essays on animal cruelty, sometimes owners have no money to care for their pet, though that is no excuse for not turning their pet in to a nice essays on animal cruelty. Animals have feelings too and it is essential to treat them with the respect that we give humans.

Animal cruelty Introduction Hey, my name is Monika, great to see you all, essays on animal cruelty. Your questions are welcome at the end of the presentation.

Scientists estimate that species go extinct every day! That's about one species every 15 minutes. All of it is because of how people treat nature. There are many reasons why individuals abuse animals. Animal cruelty covers a wide range of actions or lack of action.

Learning about animal abuse has revealed patterns of behavior employed by abusers. Animal cruelty is often broken down into two main categories. Neglect is the failure to provide an animal with the most basic of requirements of food, water, essays on animal cruelty, shelter and veterinary care. Intentional cruelty is when an individual purposely inflicts physical harm or injury on an animal. Animal experimentation There are live animal experiments authorized and around the world, animals are now used as objects of experiments, to essays on animal cruelty a variety of products.

The product range is as diverse as skin creams and people would like to think animal cruelty no longer exist, what people fail to realize is that it essays on animal cruelty still happening all over then world today.

The treatment of animals is completely unethical. Ethics is defined as, the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct. We live in a world governed by ethics and the concept or right and wrong. This is why animal cruelty in today society is so unreal. The fact animals are still regarded as a product rather then living breathing creatures is morally wrong.

Unfortunately our morals don't extend to animals. Although many people claim that they are against animal cruelty they still see animals as forms of entertainment, clothing, and experiments which is complete unethical. Animals are not ours to use. One form of animal cruelty that many people do not realize is animal entertainment.

Animal entertainment is a multibillion dollar industry. Animals are constantly used in Circus, Zoos, and Bull fights. We enjoy a show while these animals are suffering.

Animals are taken from essays on animal cruelty homes and forced to live in tiny replicas of their natural habitats. What people do not realize is that animals do not like being confined and enclosed and this often results in the Animal cruelty is a huge issue in America.

Animals everyday are beaten, starved, and abandoned. But one of the biggest problems of all is what pet stores are doing and getting away with it, essays on animal cruelty. Everyday bird's wings are clipped, cats are declawed, and most animals in these stores are from mass-breeding facilities called puppy mills. Once a bird's wings are clipped the bird can still fly but not long distance or stay in the air for long, essays on animal cruelty.

A bird with clipped wings will not be able to escape a dangerous situation, essays on animal cruelty, any form of defense is taken away, and they will lose balance. We also need to remember that flight is a natural form of existence for these animals. In Europe essays on animal cruelty a bird's wings is illegal even if the bird is a house pet. It's seen as a form of animal cruelty and they also believe it makes the bird depressed and aggressive. This problem can be solved though!

We can solve this problem by informing more and more people around the globe of how clipping birds wings takes away the most essential thing in their lives those who abuse animals. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS: Age range is for voters, especially younger voters around the ages of who tend to not vote. The gender break down would be to everyone, but there is probably more men in this audience then women.

Education level is high school and a few years of college, plus a few older people who have been essays on animal cruelty class for a while. Racial and socioeconomic background has no bearing.

The overall demographic data tend to indicate that the audience should be neutral rather than hostile to this topic. ATTENTION AROUSAL: Animals in every aspect of life, whether it is as a companion or as a show animalhave been victim to animal abuse or cruelty.

There are several different levels of cruelty that should be punished, but are not. Animals are not able to defend themselves, so why should people not be punished for abusing them? NEED: People need to realize that animals deserve respect as much as any other creature. If a child is being hurt by someone, a person will stand up and say something.

The same needs to go for the abuse some animals go through. Most states divide the abuse into either a misdemeanor or a felony charge. fact B. Elephants who perform in circuses are Hello everyone and Mr. When we hear the words Animal Crueltywe immediately think of serious and physical harm that someone is doing to an animal right? It generally falls into one of three categories: neglect, intentional or sexual abuse, essays on animal cruelty. Example: starvation; dehydration Intentional cruelty is involving physical harm to an animal or taking some form of action and sexual abuse is when the animal is being sexually molested by a human being.

Okay, now that we saw the three types of animal crueltywho here knows a bit about experimental animals? Experimental animal is when an animal is being tested for a variety of products, drugs or vaccines. In essays on animal cruelty countries, the law specifies that a new drug has to be essentially tested on at least two different species of live mammal. Almost every medication in the market has been tested on animals. Animals have been used in the Should animals be used for research?

To test cosmetics, cleaners and other products, essays on animal cruelty, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded and killed every year. In circuses, animals are being tortured cruelly. This has been an argumentative issue for a long time.

Some argue testing on some animals now essays on animal cruelty prevent lots of human suffering and save lives in the future. Others say it is unethical and cruel, essays on animal cruelty.

Still, everyone agrees that millions of animals are subjected to unbearable pain in labs. Also most of people agree with animals tortured cruelly in circuses, they take it as an entertainment for themselves. And that thousands of them die. Beforeonly four states had felony animal cruelty laws. Estimates say that between 14 and 70 million animals are used in experiments each year. It is impossible to know exactly how many animals are tested because US law does not require scientists report how many birds, reptiles or rodents they use.

Snakes and lizards are skinned alive because of the belief that live flaying makes leather suppler. Kid goats are boiled alive to make gloves. Animal testing is often ineffective in predicting how products will work on people Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty can be anywhere and done by anyone. Many people think of animalsespecially cats and dogs, as disposable. They get a puppy for the children for Christmas only to realize it is a lot of work that the children are not ready for. They forget to feed and water it, essays on animal cruelty, don't take it for walks, and don't take it outside to use the bathroom.

The solution, abandon it or just take it to the humane society. They'll get another when the kids are older. An animal that is used to being taken care of by humans cannot fend for itself when it is dumped. It slowly starves or gets attacked by other animals. Many people will shoot stray animals with bbs to chase them away from their property. The animal becomes hurt or aggressive and needs to be put down. People find many ways to be cruel to animals including fights, leaving them out in the extreme heat or cold.

Even having too many animals can be a bad thing. The animals do not have enough room to move or essays on animal cruelty not get enough food.

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Animals Cruelty is Unnecessary Suffering Free Essay Example

essays on animal cruelty

If animals will not be killed than there population will get abundant which will be dangerous for both human and nature. In addition, Scientists and doctors used to do their researches and tests on the animals, so they can find the flaws before applying that on humans  · Animal Cruelty as an Ethical and Moral Problem It is due to the fact that this paper stresses that actions related to the needless and non-progressive act of animal cruelty should be considered a felony with the appropriate amount of incarceration put  · Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve

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