Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hitler youth essay

Hitler youth essay

hitler youth essay

Hitler Youth After Adolf Hitler’s rise to chancellor in , Nazi Germany had over 1 million children in youth movements created to spread fascist ideology throughout younger generations. Hitler was obsessed about using the youth as a driving force in his political agendas. Hitler stated, I Essay On Hitler Youth Words | 7 Pages. murder of millions of innocent people. Adolf Hitler had been appointed chancellor of Germany in January of , that was when the anti-Jewish crisis began. Adolf got the position due to Germany fear’s, that had been fomenting since the end of World War I. The Nazi party and the Communist party were the two largest parties, and Germany turned to The Hitler Youth - Essay - words Hitler Youth: A Primary Cultural Thesis Accordingly "the Hitler Youth movement emphasized activism, physical training, NAZI ideology, especially nationalism and racial concepts, and absolute obedience to Hitler and the NAZI Party

The Hitler Youth - Essay - words

Hitler was obsessed about using the youth as a driving force in his political agendas. Hitler stated, I am beginning with the young. We older ones are used uprotten to the marrow. We have no unrestrained instinct left. The youth groups that were arranged were highly controversial and influenced the lives of boys and girls in many ways. Lisa Pine, the author of Girls in Uniform, investigated the impact a specific youth group had on the lives of young girls living in Nazi Germany.

These two authors had similar thoughts about several aspects of youth groups, hitler youth essay, however their opinions diverged on others. Many young girls would run away from home and join youth groups in order to escape traditional roles expected of women. However, the traditional roles were traded for strict authority and intense structure with everyday life when they joined BDM.

Many simple freedoms were taken from the young girls in the BDM. For example, Pine writes, Special training manuals elaborated on physical training for girls illustrating sports activities and formation dances. No free or spontaneous sport was allowed. Any expression of individualistic movement that went against Nazi order was proscribed. Self-expression when a young girl is developing is highly important, hitler youth essay, so the Hitler youth essay eliminating any individual thoughts or expressions is potentially harmful to her.

An advantage of being part hitler youth essay a youth hitler youth essay would be to serve the country, hitler youth essay, and to be highly praised. Overall, Pine concluded that BDM did create a deep sense of Nationalism within young women, but she did not say if it was detrimental to the young women to be a part of something like this or not.

However, the actions of the BDM were entirely for bettering the Nazi System as a whole. Rempel wrote about the multiple youth groups within Nazi Germany.

He investigated what the role of the youth groups were in Germany and what influence the groups on Germany overall. In this analysis, he compares BDM to Boys and Girls Scouts in the United States.

He writes, The HJ and BDM were more than a streamlined German version of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, decked out in knee-pants and brown shirts. Pine and Rempel had similar and contrasting thoughts when writing about Hitler youth, hitler youth essay. Some of the similarities that the two shared were that Hitler youth groups targeted an entire generation of people shortly after he rose to power.

The people in this generation were stripped of individual expression and freedom, and only hitler youth essay base their decisions of what was best for the Nazi regime. However, Pine felt like young girls were more affected by the rigid structure the BDM contained, and the girls were taken advantage of. Rempel did not pick a clear side, however he focused mainly on how the Nazi party rose to power through targeting the youth.

This in return mainly pertained to men and how they were conditioned to be future leaders of the Nazi part, hitler youth essay.

He states, Beginning as a movement of youth, the Nazi party after became hitler youth essay things to all men. After comparing and contrasting the views of both of these authors, the author that has the most convincing arguments for her opinion that Nazi youth groups impacted the country overall, hitler youth essay, as well as generation of young girls and women that joined the youth movement.

Pine showed how women were viewed as being useful for procreation and took hitler youth essay any of their rights that made them a human being. Overall, the Hitler youth groups in Nazi Germany were not completely ethical to any gender. The groups stripped children of normal childhoods and used them for political matters and to gain momentum to spread beliefs of the Nazi Party.

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Hitler Youth - Free Essay Example |

hitler youth essay

Effectiveness Of The Hitler Youth Essay Words | 4 Pages. To what extent was Hitler successful in indoctrinating the youth with Nazi ideology in the Third Reich? From the s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth as a special audience for its propaganda messages. These messages emphasized that the Party was a movement of youth: dynamic, resilient, forward-looking, and hopeful The HJ was called the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth). It was so that their youth could get some training to become a Nazi. They would teach the youth that they were a superior race and that they should not be treated badly if they were to become a Nazi. If they were in the HJ they were given things by the Nazi’s for just being in the HJ Hitler Youth Essay Words | 3 Pages. future of the German nation depends on its youth and the German youth shall have to be prepared for its future duties” The youth of Germany were an important target for Hitler. He knew that if his dream for the thousand year Reich were to be fulfilled he needed the loyalty of the young German people

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