Thursday, May 20, 2021

Nursing as a profession essay

Nursing as a profession essay

nursing as a profession essay

5/5/ · “Nursing is a multi-faced profession, and as such, has been defined in many ways” (Craven & Hirnle, , p. 38). Widespread themes are obvious, holism, caring, teaching, advocacy, supporting, promoting, maintaining and restoring health are all components of professional nursing practice regardless of numerous definitions reflection as to why I am pursuing nursing as a profession as well as describe and expound on how reflective practice will aid future nurses. I will begin by explaining my reasons as to why I chose this profession as a career, closely followed by the meaning of reflective practice itself, and finally, how reflective practice will be used in my future occupation Nursing is defined as a profession which provides care for the sick people. Nurses give medication, cares for individuals, families and communities to maintain ideal health and life. American Nurses Association (ANA) is a professional organization which protects nursing


Nursing is an important profession. There is a great need for nurses everywhere. Nursing as a profession essay men. and women work as nurses, but women are in greater number. Nursing as a profession is very suitable for women. It is so because a woman can look after take care of the patients and serve them like a mother or sister.

She can provide them the comforts nursing as a profession essay the home. She can understand their needs for clothes and food. She can be as kind as a mother and as loving as a sister. A nurse gets proper education and training before starting her work in her profession. During her training, she is taught how to give medicine and food to patients, how to know about their difficulties and how to serve them in the best possible ways.

When a woman becomes a nurse, she enters a very noble profession. She leaves her home to serve ill people, nursing as a profession essay. She comes to the hospital to bring comfort and happiness to patients. A nurse is a link between the patient and the doctor. She tells the doctor about the condition of the patient. She gets medicines from the doctor. She gets directions from the doctor about the food to be given to the patient.

Nurses are of the greatest use in time of war. They serve the wounded seriously injured soldiers. They look after the civilians wounded during bombing raids attacks of the planes of the enemy. Nurses serve a very useful purpose when there are floods, earthquakes, great storms, etc. They look after and provide first aid basic medical treatment to the injured. They work outside in extreme heat and cold, in the forests or deserts and in the mountains.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. A nurse has to be very punctual and active in her work. She has to reach her place of duty and has to administer give, nursing as a profession essay, provide medicine to patients at fixed hours. She may have to keep awake all through the night looking after patients. A nurse earns her living in a respectable way.

She serves human beings as she works. Her motherly and sisterly role should be duly properly recognized and acknowledged. With the expansion in health facilities, hospitals and clinics we shall be needing a much larger number of nurses than we have at present. For this, better and more nursing educational institutions will have to be set up, nursing as a profession essay.

We should teach the best ways and techniques to our nurses of looking after patients and the suffering of humanity. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email nursing as a profession essay click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing.

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Introduction to the nursing profession

, time: 1:33

Pursuing The Nursing Profession - Words | Bartleby

nursing as a profession essay

Nursing is a Profession Nursing is a profession that blends the rich traditions of the past with the ever changing realities of today's health care industry. Nursing is not simply an assortment of special skills and the nurse is not simply a person proficient in performing these specific tasks. Nursing is a profession 5/5/ · “Nursing is a multi-faced profession, and as such, has been defined in many ways” (Craven & Hirnle, , p. 38). Widespread themes are obvious, holism, caring, teaching, advocacy, supporting, promoting, maintaining and restoring health are all components of professional nursing practice regardless of numerous definitions 30/4/ · Nursing is based on science, but what sets the profession apart is the focus on the individual as a unique being and their response to health problems. Nursing is constantly being refined through evidence-based blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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