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Personal and professional development essay

Personal and professional development essay

personal and professional development essay

Nov 18,  · Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care My personal values and principles influence consistently my contribution to work in the health and social care setting.4/5(1) WhatsApp For this essay I have audited my leadership skills using theoretical models and referred to specific situations and experiences. This encompasses personal, academic and professional reflections and explores opportunities for my career paths and personal development with an Action Plan for the future. Get Help With Your Essay Reflective essay of personal and professional development. Info: words (13 pages) Nursing Essay. Published: 10th Dec Reference this. Tagged: professional development. This assignment is a critical analysis and reflection of my continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) needs in practice

Essay Sample: Personal Development and Professional Development

My personal values and personal and professional development essay influence consistently my contribution to work in the health and social care setting. As for my personal contribution to the support of people experiencing significant life events, I would place emphasis on the fact that I still expect to make a possibly greater contribution because I have a limited experience so far.

Nevertheless, I have always been concerned with the adequate fulfilment of my professional duties and the effective help and support being provided for people experiencing difficult and significant life events. My experience of contribution to the development of my professional skills and abilities but also it was a valuable personal experience. In this regard, I believe my efforts to provide patients counselling services were particularly useful and important.

Often clients just needed to have someone to talk to and my listening skills have proved to be very helpful since clients could talk to me and share their problems with me that brought them relief, personal and professional development essay.

At the same time, my culture and experience have had a considerable impact on my support of people experiencing significant life events. For instance, I have the experience personal and professional development essay difficult life events in my childhood, when my parents divorced, and that experience has proved to be very helpful for me since I could understand sufferings and psychological conditions of individuals experiencing similar life events.

My cultural values and norms imply that we should provide the support for people in troubles and these cultural norms also contributed to my support of people experiencing significant life events, personal and professional development essay.

On the other hand, I found out that I was still vulnerable to certain biases, when I have just started working with clients. For instance, at first, I believed that people are responsible for their position and success in the life, but, in the course of my work with people experiencing significant life events has changed my attitude and views. To put it more precisely, I have eventually found out that people are not always capable to control what is going on to their life.

In this respect, my experience of work with a veteran of the War in Iraq, who has suffered severe injuries and remained disabled, was particularly important for me and change of my values and views. After his return home, he slept to alcoholism, which I still believe was his personal problem to a significant extent, but what occurred to me is the fact that we are also responsible for his degradation because, upon his return back home, he has not got proper health and social care.

Moreover, even when I started to work with him, I found out that he is not really confident in me and I understood why. The reason was my very formal approach to the client was my conversation with him. Once, I found him disappointed because of the loss of his favourite football team and that was my favourite team too.

Then we started talking in a friendly manner discussing the team and talking about football at large and I immediately noticed the change in the client. He became friendly and more confident in me. In the course of my work, I found out that my cultural values and norms basically coincide with those of the health and social care environment, where Personal and professional development essay worked.

Furthermore, I believe that professionals working in the health and social care should take the full responsibility for their actions and the cultural environment, where I worked, made this belief even stronger because I found out how significant actions and decisions of professionals working in the health and social care are.

At the same time, personal and professional development essay, I personal and professional development essay keep progressing and focus on my personal and professional development. I expand my knowledge and develop new skills and abilities. In such a situation, I believe new experience and my professional as well as personal development can contribute to the improvement of my professional performance and make my contribution to the support of people experiencing significant life events even larger, personal and professional development essay.

For instance, the development of my communication skills has increased the effectiveness of my performance and facilitated my interaction with clients. Now, I am fully aware of the cultural diversity of the organisational environment, where I work, and it helps me to stand on the tolerant ground to avoid offenses or inappropriate behaviour in relation to my clients.

In this regard, I would just personal and professional development essay several recommendations for improving the support available in health and social care personal and professional development essay for individuals and their social networks experiencing significant life events.

First, I would recommend focusing on the development of the closer interpersonal interaction and relations between health and social care professionals and patients. In this regard, health and social care professionals should know the cultural background of their clients, personal and professional development essay, what their health problem is and what social environment they live in.

Second, I would recommend enhancement of the communication and interaction between health care and social care professionals because often communication gaps between them emerge that has a negative impact on the quality of health and social care services. My work in the health and social care environment was a valuable experience for e because it contributed to my professional as well as personal development.

In this regard, my role comprised elements of both health and social care, although I performed functions of a health care professional mainly. However, in the course of my work, I found out that I should not only provide my clients with basic health care services but also with their social support. For instance, some clients needed to talk to me, even if the issues they talked about were irrelevant to their health, personal and professional development essay.

Therefore, they rather looked for the social support than for the immediate resolution of their health problems. My experience of working in the health and social care setting has revealed the fact that some of my skills still need consistent improvements, while those skills I have at the moment have proved to be very helpful for my professional performance and further development.

On analyzing my strengths, I would single out several key strengths that have proved personal and professional development essay be particularly helpful in the course of my work in the health and social care setting. First, I have well-developed communication skills, which have proved to be very helpful in the course of my work in the health and social care environment.

At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that communication skills helped me to establish positive relations with clients and provide them not only with health care but also with counselling service. Second, my theoretical knowledge in health and social care were also important strengths that helped me to perform successfully.

My theoretical knowledge laid the ground for the development of practical skills and experience. The enhancement of my professional skills in the course of my work was facilitated by my theoretical knowledge in the field of health and social care.

Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 2. Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care My personal values and personal and professional development essay influence consistently my contribution to work in the health and social care setting. Task 2 My work in the health and social care environment was a valuable experience for e because it contributed to my professional as well as personal development.

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Personal and Professional Development Overview

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Personal and Professional Development Essay - Words | Bartleby

personal and professional development essay

Mar 07,  · This assignment is a critical analysis and reflection of my continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) needs in practice. This account will identify practical needs that I must improve with supportive evidence based research, and evaluate the impact of this need for my personal development as a future qualified nurse May 14,  · Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Growth and Development — Achieving Personal and Professional Development This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers Nov 18,  · Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care My personal values and principles influence consistently my contribution to work in the health and social care setting.4/5(1)

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