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+ Simple Essay in English For Students & Children Junior Class Students need different educational materials. Paragraph, Essay and Composition are the most required one. Here we have made a vast collection of English paragraph, English Essay and Composition for the Students of Class 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 & Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs English Essays for Students 1. My Pet (A Cat) 2. My Room 3. A Cow 4. My School 5. My Mother 6. My Father 7. My Home 8. My Bicycle 9. A Table A Chair My Pet (A Dog) A Ballon A Book Myself My Bag My Pen My Country Essay My wristwatch essay My National Flag Ten 11/3/ · Essay Topics in English. The following are different types of essay topics in English for students who are categorized in many sections so that you can easily choose the topic as per your need and requirement. Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations. My School Essay; A Farewell Party Essay; Students’ Unrest Essay; My School Life EssayEstimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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